What do haggis, Arthur Miller, Yom Kippur and rock music have in common? Well, if you head to Metro Stage in Alexandria by May 9 — and I strongly urge you to do so — you’ll find out when you see Paul Scott Goodman’s delightful one man show, “Son of a Stand-Up Comedian.” Goodman composed the music for and wrote the musical “Rooms: a rock romance,” that played at Metro Stage last season. He’s returned with this funny and poignant tale of his Scottish/Jewish roots, his arrival in New York to seek his show biz fortune and the women — including his wife, mother-in-law and daughter — who’ve helped shape his life, on and off stage. Goodman’s music services the telling of his tale quite effectively, reminding me both lyrically and melodically of the late Harry Chapin. Lasting just 75 minutes, the piece has moments that ring familiar in comparison to other struggling artist’s stories. What enlivens this production is Goodman’s engaging personality and emotional sincerity. “Stand-Up Comedian” will vigorously tickle your funny bone and make you glad you took the time to hear this talented man’s story. “Son of a Stand-Up Comedian” runs at Metro Stage through May 9. It gets Three and One-Half (***1/2) stars from me.
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