Feature Article at BroadwayWorld.com

Room to Room: A Musical's Journey from NYMF to MetroStage
by Jena Tesse Fox
While Altar Boyz and [title of show] have gone from the New York Musical Theatre Festival (aka NYMF) to off-Broadway and Broadway, respectively, Rooms' journey has been a bit more meandering. After several readings and workshops, Paul Scott Goodman and Miriam Gordon's two-person rock musical opened under Scott Schwartz's direction at the 2005 NYMF with Natascia Diaz and Jeremy Kushnier as the struggling Glaswegian musicians who travel the world to find their artistic home. This month, Rooms finally made its formal premiere at MetroStage in Washington, D.C., reuniting Schwartz and Diaz and introducing newcomer Doug Kreeger to the project.
In a way, the journey of Rooms from Festival to Washington mirrors the journey of its two young protagonists. In the show, two young musicians strike sparks first as artists and then as lovers, but, with personalities and styles that alternately complement and contradict one another, they find fulfillment elusive. Similarly, Rooms' development has been gradual, incorporating the talents of many artists over many years. Schwartz has been involved with the project for five years, and Diaz for three...
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